About E-Therapy Cafe®
Welcome to E-Therapy Cafe®,
A safe place to work through life's messy things your way.
It all began over 25 years ago on a military base in North Carolina. I still remember how I felt the first time I used video to connect during a tough season in my life. I was a young military spouse and my husband was deployed over-seas. My husband and I were able to talk using Virtual Tele-Conference (AKA gigormous dinosaur of a big screen) in the midst of a very public military conference room. Amazingly, for a brief moment, it didn't matter that I was in North Carolina or that he was in a foreign country, we were connected. This was my first experience with tele-health, I just didn't know it!
My official tele-journey of healing started in 2003 with one of the first online therapy platforms: Cope Today. I provided real-time online video sessions, instant chats, and virtual journal exchanges with military members and veterans across the country and deployed around the world. After one virtual session, a soldier told me, "Who needs an office? For the first time someone gets me. You totally get me." My clients reached goals, started living their lives again, and I knew that E-Therapy was successful.
Years later, and after a series of disappointments in the online therapy field, I knew it was time to do what any good officer's wife would do- do it myself. So, I set out to create a diversified team of licensed and certified professionals focused on breaking down barriers and providing support professionally, ethically, and affordably. Anywhere. Anytime. I also wanted a simple, HIPPA-Secured virtual platform, friendly to the military and other transient lifestyles but accessible to all people looking for support.
Well, I found them, they found me, and together it just works. Having bootstrapped the company from the ground up, I am blessed to have culminated a boutique team of experts who share my vision and are focused on growth.
Our Boutique Team is dedicated to support, motivate, and encourage people all over the world. We are passionate about "getting unstuck", moving forward, building resilience, and learning to thrive. We provide you with the convenience of calm, in the comfort of your space.
Our mission is simple.
Professional, Convenient, Affordable Online Therapy for all.
Anytime. Anywhere.