Do you ever feel like you overeat, binge eat, or are obsessed about perfecting your food, health, and/or your body shape? I have.
When we are stuck in the obsession and fixation of the food and fitness frenzy we are inevitably disconnected from our body, its signals, and even from the world around us.
I have created a guide to help you learn how to embody what it means to free yourself from of your eating and body image challenges. No more obsessing about how to look, what should or should not be eaten, or what workout to do!
Through this guide, you can learn to embody the awareness, compassion, and power to transform and finally trust that deeper part within you to live your life to the fullest.

About the Author: Elisa Jordan is E-Therapy Cafe's Wellness Warrior; "Health at Every Size" Activist; Body Positivity Crusader; Perfectionism Healer. To work through some of the messy things in life, schedule an appointment with her HERE.
E-Therapy Café™ is Expert Online Therapy for Today’s Busy World with the mission to provide professional, convenient, and affordable, modern online therapy – anytime, anywhere. The Boutique Team of Licensed Therapists and Certified Life Coaches are passionate change catalyst, focused on realistic goals in today’s fast-paced world. The headquarters is in Northern VA with a nationwide and global reach.