Expert Online Therapy for Today's Busy World.
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Nextgenmilspouse / Montgomery, AL
The Story Exchange / New York
Startuup / Las Vegas
"E-Therapy Café is designed to be what founder Dr. Jude Black, a licensed therapist and certified life coach, calls a “boutique team” of therapists who are available to clients on the go, regardless of life stage or location."
SpouseBuzz /
"Military Spouse Launches Expert Online Therapy for People Anywhere. Anytime"
Home Business
"E-Therapy Cafe Launches Modern Online Therapy for Todays Busy World"
FOX 8 / WVUE / New Orlean
“Boutique Team Of Licensed And Certified Life Experts Connect With Clients Using Real-Time E-Video Sessions, Instant E-Chat, And Virtual E-Journals To Confront Life’s Challenges In The Comfort Of Their Own Space"
CBS 7 / KOAM / Pittsburgh, PA
“For many, there can be incredible pressure just to get through a physical door. E-Therapy Cafe removes the barriers many people face when seeking support by offering cost-effective, convenient, and secure therapy in the comfort of their own space."
NBC 57 News / South Bend, IN
“Affordable Online Therapy For All: E-Therapy Cafe"
CBS NewsChannel 10 / Amarillio, TX
“Life is busy! Many people want a real alternative to the barriers and challenges of traditional therapy visits,” said Dr. Jude Black, founder of E-Therapy Cafe."
Newson6 / Tulsa, OK
“We are an easy to navigate, boutique team of therapist and coaches tailored to meet the needs of every client with accessible, affordable quality cafe. We help our clients care for themselves and also for others as we donate a portion of each subscription to our affiliate charity!” (Amanda Rausch, Director of Relationships & Clinical Enrichment)
Prince William Living / Northern VA